Believe that Jesus Christ is risen as Lord, Son of God, and Savior.
Grow in their faith through prayer, study, and service.
Gather with other believers for prayer and fellowship.
Love other people in concrete ways.
Lead other people to become disciples of Christ.
Participation in the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, empowers us to be a welcoming family and to live the presence of Jesus Christ in our everyday lives.
Empowered by the Word and Sacraments, we respond to the call of Jesus to love and serve our neighbor through our ministries in our parish and in the world around us.
Holy Name in Steamboat Springs
(524 Oak St.)
• Saturday:
5:00 pm
• Sunday Masses:
8:30 am (livestreamed)
5:00 pm (Bilingual Mass)
Saint Martin of Tours in Oak Creek
(400 S. Sharp Ave, Oak Creek)
• Sunday: 11:00 am
Mass and imposition of ashes:
12:10 and 5:30 pm at Holy Name
Holy Name in Steamboat Springs (524 Oak St.)
Monday: 12:10 pm
(followed by adoration in the chapel until 2:00 p.m.)
Tuesday: 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 12:10 pm
(followed by adoration in the chapel until 2:00 p.m.)
Thursday: 12:10 pm
(followed by adoration in the chapel until 2:00 p.m.)
Friday: 12:10 pm
See Reconciliation Schedule below
Holy Name in Steamboat Springs
3:15 - 4:45 pm
4:15 pm-4:45 pm
(30 minutes before Mass)
...during Mass if second priest is available
Saint Martin of Tours in Oak Creek
10:30 am-11:00 am
or by Appointment
Every first Sunday after the 8:30am Mass
Beginning October 6th, runs throughout the school year.
This Fall will feature the “Witness, Called to Be a Saint” series which explores the Gifts of the Holy Spirit as expressed in the lives of the Saints. Parents will grow in their ability to gather the family together to pray and form their children in the faith through the resources provided. A simple breakfast will be served followed by separate gatherings for parents and children. After the week’s presentation, families will reconnect for closing prayer, concluding by noon.
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)
Tuesdays at 6:30pm
Location: Holy Name’s Enrichment Center
Are you or someone you know curious about the Catholic Faith and may be interested in becoming Catholic? Or are you a baptized Catholic who has not been confirmed or received first Eucharist? OCIA (formerly RCIA) classes will begin meeting in October for those curious and interested in full initiation into the Catholic Church.
for Men, Women, or both
Various times and ongoing
New 14 week series beginning Monday, January 27.
Mondays at 1pm in the Enrichment Center
The group will be studying the Gospel of Mark using an Augustine Institute study guide by Dr. Tim Gray. We'll meet weekly to pray, watch a 30 minute lecture on Formed and reflect on the week's lesson.
We’ll help you source a do-it-yourself option using the Formed streaming service, compliments of HNCC.