
Our Mission:

Our Catholic Family desires...

...to make Missionary Disciples of Christ
who glorify God's Holy Name by our life.

Make Missionary Disciples:

Jesus gave the Church her mission at the conclusion of the Gospel According to Matthew:

"All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me.  Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And remember, I am with you always, until the end of the age."(Matthew 28:19-20)

We are responding to the mandate of our Lord who is working through, with and in us to share the fire of God's love in the world.

The goal of our ministries is to inspire people to grow as missionary disciples of Christ and to experience life abundantly in Him.

Missionary Disciples are those who:

1)   Believe that Jesus Christ is risen as Lord,

      Son of God, and Savior.

2)  Grow in their faith through the Sacraments, prayer, study, and service.

3)  Gather with other believers for prayer

      and fellowship.

4)  Love other people in concrete ways.

5)  Lead other people to become disciples of Christ.

As we grow as missionary disciples we live the presence of Jesus Christ in our everyday lives. 

We respond to His call to love other people in concrete ways through our parish ministries and in our local community...

to share the fire of God's love in the world. 

Our New Logo

Since our parish was founded in 1907, we have gone through many changes.  The world around us has also changed in fascinating ways. 

The Lord is calling us to adapt to those changes while maintaining our solid Catholic identity. 

In response to our world which is growing more secular, we have re-focused our mission on making dynamic disciples.  And we have redesigned our logo to represent our identity as the living Body of Christ.  

Our previous logo was created more than 30 years ago,

when Msgr. Tom Dentici was pastor.  It depicted the traditional monogram of the ‘Holy Name’ of Jesus which is the first three capital letters of His name in Greek.  The full name in Greek capitals is

IHΣOY (Iesou) which, for centuries,  has been abbreviated to the iconic letters I H Σ .

A stylized version of this monogram was used as the logo for Holy Name Church.  Although this logo has served our parish well for  many years, many people struggle to see it as the letters IHS.  Those who do see the letters may not understand their meaning.  And for those who see it as the monogram of the Holy Name of Jesus, it lacks any depiction of our parish or its mission.  So we decided to revise our logo as a way of re-branding our parish and expressing our mission.

Our new logo represents our Tabernacle, the place where the Sacramental Presence of Jesus resides in our Church. 

This original sculpture of bronze and glass represents the Burning Bush which spoke to Moses in Exodus 3.  From this mysterious bush which was burning yet not consumed the One God revealed his Holy Name for the first time in the Bible.  The Hebrew name, Yahweh, is translated in English as, "I Am Who Am," or simply, "I AM."  Jesus claims the name numerous times in the Gospels, as when he says, "I Am the Bread of Life" (John 6: 35, 48).  To show the unity between the God who spoke through the Burning Bush and the God who speaks through Jesus, the Eucharistic Presence of Jesus resides within this tabernacle.  Our new logo depicts the Burning Bush with the Bread of Life in the center embossed with the letters I H S to depict the Holy Name of Jesus. 

The flames of the Burning Bush represent the love and power of God igniting the members of our parish. 

The fire of the Holy Spirit is igniting our souls and making us dynamic disciples of Christ. 

So the flames also represent us, filled with various graces represented by the different colors, yet burning harmoniously as one fire. 

From the sacramental center of our parish, a river of life flows (blue) to the base of the Burning Bush and beyond.  This river and the flames above represent our efforts to go out in all directions, even to the peripheries, to share the love of God in the world.

The meaning of our new logo within its simplicity of design is open to your prayerful interpretation. 

We pray that it will inspire our parish family to burn with the love of God and to share that love with the world.


 “I have come to set the earth on fire," Jesus said, "and how I wish it were already blazing!"  (Luke 12: 49)

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