Operation Good Shepherd

Operation Good Shepherd

Mission:  In the tradition of the Catholic Church, the mission of Operation Good Shepherd is to be the compassionate presence of Christ in our community by providing assistance with essential needs for families and individuals in situations of spiritual and economic crisis, and/or unexpected fiscal insufficiency. Operation Good Shepherd funds are meant to financially assist community members of the Northwest Colorado Community.

Goals of Mission: The goal of Operation Good Shepherd is to express the charitable values of the Roman Catholic Church.  Operation Good Shepherd is willing to serve anyone in need with assistance including, but not limited to:

  • People affected by unfortunate circumstances
  • People who have exhausted other resources
  • People who have never before experienced poverty
  • People who have emergency needs that cannot be met by any other agency
  • People who need temporary assistance so they can regain their self-sufficiency
Fill the Online Form

Every third Sunday of the month is dedicated to Operation Good Shepherd, with a monthly report and special collection.

Operation Good Shepherd Advisory Council:

Father Grzegorz Cioch (Pastor)


Eileen Allen, Sandy Conlon, Kathy Diemer, Gary Haberlan, Jo Lauter, Barb Shipley and Judy Strnad.

History of Operation Good Shepherd

Monsignor Tom Dentici made the initial contribution to Operation Good Shepherd to continue his lifelong personal mission of charity, with a focus on the Northwest Colorado community.


Call 970-879-0671.  If you're in need of financial assistance attached please find the application English or Spanish

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