Congratulations on your engagement or desire to convalidate your marriage!
Below are the steps for a wedding at Holy Name Catholic Church.
Marriage Preparation Checklist:
1. Contact Us! (9-12 months before the wedding)
Call Holy Name Catholic Church
970-879-0671 or email
to schedule a meeting or discuss wedding preparations.
- If you live outside of Routt County,
plan to participate in Catholic marriage preparation in the parish where you live.
- For non-parishioners, the fee to
schedule a wedding at Holy Name is $2000,
which is for the use of the church only.
*This fee does not include a stipend
for the priest officiating the wedding,
flowers, decorations, program printing
or music/musicians.
2. Initial Meeting (8 months before wedding):
3. FOCCUS Inventory (7-8 months before wedding):
- Complete FOCCUS Inventory (online or in person at the Church)
- Meet with FOCCUS Facilitator
4. Marriage Preparation Program
- Start marriage prep course
- Introduction to Theology of the Body
- Schedule second meeting with parish contact
- Submit records to Holy Name Office (1 year to 6 months prior to wedding)
- Baptismal Records
- Declaration of Nullity (if applicable)
- Death Certificate (if applicable)
- Copy of civil marriage license (if seeking convalidation)
- Complete and return Freedom of Marry Forms
5. Natural Family Planning (6 months before wedding)
--schedule with Epiphany FertilityCare
6. Final Meeting (4-6 weeks before the wedding)
- Have final meeting with your priest or deacon
- Submit certificates of completion for:
- FOCCUS Inventory
- Marriage Prep Course
- Natural Family Planning Course
- Provide liturgy and music selection to liturgy coordinator
"Together for Life" book
- Plan rehearsal
- Apply for marriage license at any county clerk office
(date of license must not exceed 30 days prior to the wedding)
7. Sacrament of Reconciliation (1 to 2 weeks before the wedding)
- Go to confession
- Deliver marriage license to parish