Need Assistance

How to get assistance...

Holy Name and St. Martin of Tours Parishes have a monthly collection to provide funds from our parishioners that go out to our community as Operation Good Shepherd. 

We help a wide variety of people in emergency situations. We help with Rent Assistance, Medical Assistance, Utilities and Car Repairs.

Applicants are vetted to make sure they are not abusing the system, or obtaining funds indiscriminately from other charitable organizations in the Steamboat Springs area.

Our parishioners have been very generous over the past 14+ years. We have helped nearly 1000 people get their lives back on track, Catholic and Non-Catholic alike.

Asking for assistance can be humbling, so we try to make the process a comfortable one. We also can help with financial planning and assistance with spiritual needs. Fill out the application below to start the assistance process.

Fill out my online form.

Questions about Operation Good Shepherd?

Give us a call at 970-879-0671 : Extension 0

Or, use the form on the right:

OGS Form

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