Christmas Season Masses

Christmas Mass Schedule (visitors are always welcome).


Masses for the 4th Sunday of Advent:

December 23 – 5:00 p.m.  Holy Name

December 24 – 8:30 a.m.  Holy Name Livestreamed

                              11:00 a.m.  St. Martin of Tours, Oak Creek

Christmas Masses:

December 24 – Christmas Eve

4:00 p.m. &  8:00 p.m.   Holy Name Livestreamed

4:00 p.m.  St. Martin of Tours, Oak Creek

December 25 – Christmas Day

9:00 a.m.  Holy Name Livestreamed

To Livestream, go to:


Sunday, December 31 - Vigil for Solemnity of Mary

  • 5:00 pm at Holy Name Church

Monday, January 1, 2022 - Solemnity of Mary

  • 12:10 pm at Holy Name Church


Holy Name in Steamboat Springs             

  • Saturday: 5:00 PM                       
  • Sunday Masses:
    8:30 AM 
    5:00 PM (bilingual)

Saint Martin of Tours

400 S. Sharp Ave.   Oak Creek

  • Sunday 11:00 AM


Holy Name in Steamboat Springs 

  • Monday 12:10 PM 
  • Tuesday: 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 12:10 PM 
  • Thursday 12:10 PM 
  • Friday: 12:10 PM 

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Can I attend Mass if I am not Catholic?

Yes, anyone can attend Mass in a Catholic Church. However, only Catholics who have received the sacrament of First Holy Communion and who are in a state of grace, can receive Holy Communion.

You are most welcome to come to Mass. We might  suggest that you arrive early and talk to one of the greeters at the door. Explain that you are not Catholic and would like to visit. They should be able to direct you, and perhaps get someone to sit with you and help you through the liturgy.

The Mass is divided into two main parts, the first part roughly corresponds to the synagogue service of the Jews in the first century with prayers, readings, a homily (explanation of the Scriptures), a Creed and intercessions.

The second part of the Mass begins with people bringing the up the gifts of bread and wine.  It is based on a combination of the Old Testament sacrifices in the Temple, the Jewish Seder supper of the Passover, and the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples - all of which prefigure the Mass.

Most likely, you will not understand everything that is going on at first. If you are really interested, you may ask the greeter to connect you with someone who could explain things further, or offer some guidance.

You may even wish to join the class that is studying about Catholicism.  If so, contact the parish office to find out when the class meets.  No commitment is necessary; you are more than welcome to just inquire and get information.

About receiving Holy Communion

Receiving Holy Communion is an expression of our union with God and with one another as Catholics.  Those who are not Catholic are not united with the rest of the assembly to a degree that is appropriate for receiving Holy Communion.

Nevertheless, those who are not Catholic are encouraged to come up in the Communion procession and pray to receive the Lord Jesus in a spiritual way-a Spiritual Communion.  Just fold your arms across your chest, and the priest or minister will offer you a prayer for a Spiritual Communion.     

Any other questions, do not hesitate to ask!

Want to Volunteer?      

We have many volunteer opportunities within the Masses and ministries of our church.

Contact our office to begin training for any of these important ministries:

  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
  • Lectors
  • Greeters
  • Sacristans
  • Audio/Video Technicians
  • Music Ministers
  • Babysitting
  • Hospitality Ministers
  • Food Preparers

        and more...

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